Page 234 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 234

Act of 9 Queen Anne, Cap. 10

                                                   Act of 9 Queen Anne, Cap. X.

                An Act for establishing a General Post Office for all her Majesty's Dominions, and for settling a weekly Sum out of
            the Revenues thereof, for the Service of the War, and other her Majesty's Occasions.

                Mosr gracious  Sovereign;  Whereas by an Act made in the  twelfth  Year  of the Reign  of his  late Majesty's King
            CHARLEs the Second, a General Post Office was erected and established in that Part of Great Britain called England, and
            by the twentieth Act of the fifth Session of the first Parliament of his late Majesty King WILLIAM the Third, a General Post
            Office was erected and established in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, and several Rates of Postage were thereby
            severally appointed to be received, under several different Powers and Authorities; which two Kingdoms being since united,
            it is most likely that a Correspondence by Post will be best managed and ordered for the publick Good, by uniting also the
            said two Post Offices under one Postmaster General: And whereas also Posts have at great Charges been established by
            Packet Boats, between that Part of Great Britain called England and the West Indies, and also on the main Land in Norlh
           America, through most of her Majesty's Plantations and Colonies in those Parts, as also to divers Parts in Europe, to which
            no Packet Boats were,  till lately,  settled,  and more Posts may yet be settled and established for  the publick Good and
            Welfare of all your Majesty's Subjects: And whereas the several Rates of Postage may in many Parts, with little Burthen to
            the Subject, be encreased, and other new Rates granted, which additional and new Rates may, in some Measure, enable
            your Majesty to carry on and finish the present War, so as suitable Powers and Authorities be made for collecting the same,
            and sufficient  Provision  be made,  as  well for  preventing the  undue  collecting the Delivery of Letters  by private Posts,
            Carriers, Higlers, Watermen, Drivers of Stage Coaches, and other Persons, as all other Frauds to which the Revenue might
            otherwise be liable;  which  cannot  be well  and  properly done,  to  answer  the Ends aforesaid,  without  the Authority  of
            Parliament in a new Act to be made for the said Office, and for the Revenues to arise thereby: We therefore your Majesty's
            most dutiful and loyal  Subjects, the Commons  of Great Britain  in Parliament assembled,  do most humbly beseech your
            Majesty that it may be enacted;  and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty,  by and with the Advice and
            Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by Authority of the
            same, That the said Act made in England in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his  said late Majesty King CHARLES  the
            Second, intituled,AnAct for erecting and establishing a Post Office, and the said Act made in Scotland in the fifth Session of
            the first  Parliament of his said late Majesty King WILLIAM  the Third, intituled An Act anent the Post Office,  and every
            Article, Clause and Thing therein or in either of them contained, shall be, and is and are hereby, from  and after the first
            Day of June one thousand seven hundred and eleven, actually repealed, except as is herein after mentioned.

                II.  And to the End a General Post Office may be established for and throughout her Majesty's Kingdoms of Great
            Britain  and Ireland,  her  Colonies  and Plantations  in North  America,  and  the  West  Indies,  and  all  other her  Majesty's
            Dominions and Territories, in such Manner as may be most beneficial to the People of these Kingdoms, and her Majesty
            may be supplied, and the Revenue arising by the said Office better improved, settled, and secured to her Majesty, her Heirs
            and Successors, in such Manner, as is herein after mentioned; be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after
            the said first Day of lune one thousand seven hundred and eleven, there be from thenceforth one General Letter Office and
            Post Office,  erected and  established, in some convenient Place within  the City of London, from  whence all Letters and
            Packets whatsoever, may be with Speed and Expedition sent into any Part of the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, or
            to North America, the West Indies, or to any other of her Majesty's Dominions or Territories, or unto any other Kingdom or
            Country beyond the Seas, at which said Office all Returns and Answers may be likewise received; and that one Master of
            the said General Letter Office and Post Office shall be, from Time to Time, appointed by the Queen's Majesty, her Heirs
            and Successors, to be made and constituted by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of Great Britain, by the Name and Style
            of her Majesty's Postmaster General; which said Master of the said Office, and his Deputy and Deputies by him thereunto
            sufficiently authorized, and his and their Servants and Agents, and no other Person or Persons whatsoever shall, from Time
            to Time, and at all Times, have the receiving, taking up, ordering, dispatching,  sending Post, or with Speed, carrying and
            delivering of all Letters and Packets whatsoever, which shall, from Time to Time, and at all or any Times, be sent to and
            from  all  and  every  the Parts  and  Places  of Great Britain  and Ireland,  North  America,  the  West Indies,  and  other her
            Majesty's Dominions,  and also  to and from  all and every the Kingdoms  and Countries beyond the Seas, where he shall
            settle, or cause to be settled,  Posts,  or running Messengers  for  that Purpose:  Except such Letters as  shall respectively
            concern Goods sent by common known Carriers of Goods by Carts, Waggons, or Pack Horses, and shall be respectively
            delivered with the Goods such Letters do concern, without Hire or Reward, or other Profit or Advantage for receiving or
            delivering  such  Letters;  and  except  Letters  of Merchants,  and  Masters,  Owners  of any  Ships,  Barques,  or  Vessels  of
            Merchandize, or any the Cargo or Loading therein, sent on board such Ships, Barques, or Vessels of Merchandize, whereof
            such Merchants or Masters are Owners as aforesaid, and delivered by any Masters of any such Ships, Barques or Vessels of

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