Page 238 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 238

Act of 9 Queen Anne, Cap. 10

            All  Letters  and  Packets  from  New  York  aforesaid,  to  New-Port,  the  Chief
             Town  in  Rhode  Ireland,  and  Providence  Plantation  in New  England,  and  to  Boston,
              the  Chief  Town  in Massachusets  Bay  in  New  England  aforesaid,  and  to  Portsmouth,
             the  Chief  Town  in  New  Hampshire  in  New  England  aforesaid,  and  to Annapolis,
              the  Chief  Town  in  Maryland,  and  from  every  of  those  Places  to  New  York,  ••••••••••••  Single,  one  Shilling
            All  Letters  and  Packets  from  Newport,  Boston,  Portsmouth,  and  Anapolis  aforesaid,
             to  any  Place  not  exceeding  sixty English  Miles,  and  thence  back  again,  •••••••••••••  Single,  four  Pence
            All  Letters  and  Packets  from  Newport,  Boston,  Portsmouth,  and  Anapolis  aforesaid,
             to  any  Place  not  exceeding  one  hundred  English  Miles,  and  thence  back  again,  •••••••  Single,  six Pence
            All  Letters  and  Packets  from  New  York  aforesaid,  to  the  Chief  Offices
              in  Salem  and  Ipswich,  and  to  the  Chief  Office  in  Piscataway,  and  to Williamsburgh,
             the  Chief  Town  in Virginia,  and  from  every  of  those  Places  to  New  York,   Single,  one  Shilling  three  Pence
            All  Letters  and  Packets  from  the  Chief  Offices  in  Salem,  Ipswich,
             Piscataway,  and  Williamsburgh  aforesaid,  to  any  Place  not  exceeding
             sixty English  Miles,  and  thence  back  again,  ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  Single,  four  Pence
            All  Letters  and  Packets  from  the said Chief  Offices  in Salem,  Ipswich,
             Piscataway,  and  Williamsburgh  aforesaid,  to  any  Place  not  exceeding
             one  hundred  English  Miles,  and  thence  back  again,  ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  Single,  six Pence
            All  Letters  and  Packets  from  New  York  aforesaid,  to  Charles  Town,  the  Chief  Town
              in  North  and  south  Carolina,  and  from  Charles  Town  aforesaid,  to  New  York,  •••.•••••  Single,  one  Shilling  six Pence
            All  Letters  and  Packets  from  Charles  Town  aforesaid,  to  any  Place  not  exceeding
             sixty English  Miles,  and  thence  back  again,  ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  Single,  four  Pence
            All  Letters  and  Packets  from  Charles  Town  aforesaid,  to  any  Place  not  exceeding
             one  hundred  English  Miles,  and  thence  back  again,  •••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••.•••  Single,  six  Pence
                VII.  And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such Postmaster General so to be appointed as aforesaid,
            shall and may receive and take, according to the same Rates and Proportions for the Port of Letters, Packets, and Parcels,
            to or from any of the Parts or Places beyond the Seas, where Posts have not been heretofore settled, and may hereafter be
            settled by such Postmaster General for the Time being.
                VIII.  And be it further enacted, That all Letters and Packets directed to or coming from any of the Foreign Parts or
            Places aforesaid, and collected or delivered at any Part or Place between London and any of the Ports from whence any of
            her Majesty's Packet Boats shall at any Time hereafter sail, or at which they shall or may arrive with the Foreign Mails, do
            pay the same Rates as if the same were conveyed in the said Mails to or from London.
                IX.  And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such Postmaster General shall be at Liberty to keep
            and  maintain  Packet  Boats  to  go  weekly  (Wind  and  Weather  permitting)  to  and  from  Donachadee,  or  some  other
            convenient Port in Ireland,  to Port Patrick, or some other convenient Port in that Part of Great Britain  called Scotland, for
            Conveyance of Letters and Packets for the Conveniency of Trade and Commerce between the said Kingdoms, paying over
            and above the inland Rates hereby rated and appointed to be received for such Letters and Packets, at the Place where
            such Letter or Letters are delivered in to be sent by such Packet Boats, according to the Rates following; that is to say, For
            every such Single Letter two Pence, Double four Pence, Treble six Pence, Ounce eight Pence.
                X.  "And for as  much as it may be convenient  to erect some cross Stages for the better maintaining of Trade and
            Commerce, and mutual Correspondencies, and to settle the Rates for all By or Way Letters and Packets conveyed by Posts
            in any of the said Kingdoms;" Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the said first Day of
            June one thousand seven hundred and eleven, it shall and may be lawful to and for the Postmaster General for the Time
            being,  so  constituted  as  aforesaid,  to  erect  and  set  up  cross  Stages  to  and from  any Place  or  Places whatsoever;  and
            thereupon such Postmaster General and his Deputy and Deputies by him thereunto sufficiently authorized, shall and may
            lawfully demand, have, receive, and take for the Postage and Conveyance, as well of all such Letters and Packets which he
            or they shall so convey, carry, or send Post as aforesaid, in any such cross Stages, as for all By or Way Letters and Packets,
            the same Rates in Proportion to the Distances of the Places to which they shall be directed from the Places at which they
            shall be put in, as Letters and Packets conveyed and re-conveyed to and from London, are rated to pay.

                XL  "And for  the better reducing all  Miles in both  the said  Kingdoms  throughout  all  the Post Roads within  one
            hundred Miles distance from the said chief Offices, and in the cross Roads now settled, or hereafter to be settled, to one

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