Page 241 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 241

Act of 9 Queen Anne, Cap. 10

          such Recovery, such Person or Persons so informing, and prosecuting for the said Penalties and Forfeitures, shall recover,
          and have also taxed and paid their full Costs of Suit.
              XX.  Provided always, That if any Postmaster of any of any respective Stages on any Post Roads, in any her Majesty's
          Dominions, now settled or hereafter to be settled, doth not or cannot furnish any Person or Persons riding in Post, with
          sufficient Horses within the Space of one half Hour after Demand, that then such Person or Persons is and are hereby
          understood to be left at Liberty to provide themselves as conveniently as they can to the next Stage, and so at every Stage
          where he or they shall not be furnished as  aforesaid; and the Person or Persons who shall furnish such Horses, shall not
          therefore be liable to any Penalties or Forfeitures contained in this Act by reason thereof.
              XXI.  Provided always,  That if through Default or Neglect of the Postmaster General or his Deputy for  the Time
          being, any Person or Persons riding in Post shall fail as aforesaid, of being furnished with a sufficient Horse or Horses, for
          his or their Use after Demand as aforesaid, that then, and in every such Case, the Postmaster General or his Deputy so
          offending, shall forfeit the Sum of five Pounds Sterling; the qne Moiety to her Majesty, her Heirs or Successors, and the
          other Moiety to him or them who shall sue for the same in any Court of Record, to be recovered and divided as aforesaid.
              XXII.  Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing herein contained shall be understood to prohibit the
          carrying or recarrying of any Letters or Packets, to or from any Town or Place, to or from the next respective Post Road or
          Stage appointed for that Purpose, above six Miles from the said General Post Office, or the chief Offices of Edinburgh and
          Dublin, but that every Person shall have free Liberty to send and employ such Person or Persons as they shall think fit for
          to carry the said Letters or Packets as aforesaid, without any Forfeiture or Penalty therefore; any Thing herein contained to
          the contrary notwithstanding.
              XXIII.  Provided always nevertheless, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend to give Licence to
          any Person or Persons whatsoever, to make Collection of Letters in or near the City of London or Suburbs thereof, under
          Pretence of conveying the same to any Parts or Places in the said City or Suburbs, or to the General Office of the said City,
          without the Licence and Leave of the Postmaster General for the Time being: And any Person or Persons acting contrary
          hereunto shall forfeit and pay as Persons collecting, receiving, carrying, recarrying, and delivering Letters contrary to this
          Act, are hereby enacted to forfeit and pay, to be recovered as aforesaid, with full Costs of Suit.
              XXIV.  Provided always, That if the Packet or Mail shall be carried out of Great Britain into any Part or Place beyond
          the Seas, in any Ship or Vessel which is not a free Ship, and navigated with such Seamen as, by the Laws  of this Land the
          same are required to be, that then, and in every such Case, the Postmaster General for the Time being shall forfeit the Sum
          of one hundred Pounds Sterling; the one Moiety to her Majesty, her Heirs and Successors, the other Moiety to him or them
          who shall sue for the same in any Court of Record, to be recovered by Bill, Plaint, or other Information, wherein no Essoin,
          Protection, or Wager at Law shall be allowed.
              XXV.  Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such Postmaster General, and all Officers
          and Deputies acting under him,  and  all  Officers belonging to  the said General Post Office, within that Part of the said
          united Kingdom  called England,  receiving the Sacrament according to the Usage of the Church of England,  and taking,
          making, and subscribing the Test,  and the  Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and Abjuration, appointed by any of the
          Laws of the said Part of the said united Kingdom to be taken, made, and subscribed by Officers in publick Places of Trust
          in the Government, and within such Times, and in such Places as are particularly appointed by any of those Laws for doing
          the same,  shall be deemed  and taken  to be sufficiently qualified to  act in their  respective Stations  and Duties,  and to
          execute their respective Employments throughout the said whole united Kingdom, and all other her Majesty's Dominions,
          and shall not incur any Penalties, Forfeitures, or Disabilities, for not taking the Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration, and
          subscribing the Assurance appointed by any the Laws of that Part of the said united Kingdom called Scotland,  or by any
          Law  or  Laws  of the  said  united  Kingdom  of Great  Britain,  to  be  taken  and  made  by  any  Person  in  publick  Trust,
          notwithstanding such  Postmaster  General,  and  such  Deputies  and  Officers,  shall  exercise  their  respective  Offices  and
          Employments within all and every the Parts and Places of that Part of the said united Kingdom called Scotland: And all
          Deputies and Agents acting under such Postmaster General within that Part of the said united Kingdom called Scotland,
          taking and making the Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration, and subscribing the same, with the Assurance appointed by any
          of the Laws of the said Part of the said united Kingdom called Scotland, or by any Law or Laws of the said united Kingdom
          of Great Britain, to be taken and made by any Person in publick Trust, and within such Times, and at such Places, as are
          particularly appointed by any of those Laws for  doing the same, shall be deemed and taken to be sufficiently qualified to
          execute and exercise their respective Employments in the said Office throughout the said whole united Kingdom, and all

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