Page 81 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 81



                                     NOTICE IS 1-IEREBY GIVEN,

                                 rI'HAT  the  Roy c:irryi~g d~e .MAIL  from  'VIGAN co
                                 CHORLEY;  in  the  Counry  of Lancajler, · was,  this  Morning
                                 :1boucfoe o'Clock,  :icocked upon the Ro:id between TYorlhingtor:  .
                                 J.1i/l and lf/orlhingloa Hall, within th~_Townlhip of l.Yorlhi11gto11,
                                 nnd there robbed of the Porcm;mtc:iu:· "(by a Fooc-P:id,. who ar·.
                                 ricd it a"'.:iy) coot:iining'the following E:igs of Lecccrs;  viz. from

                                   Liverpool lo  Chorley       IY:rrington  lo  Cho1:/ey
                                   Do.·     lo· Blacll111nt    IJo.      .lo  Blacl1Jur11
                                   Do.·     lo  Pref/011  .·   lJo.      lo  Pref/on
                                   IJo.     lo  l..ancajltr    IJo.      to  Lancajlcr
                                   IJo:     "lo  Kendal·       Dt1. .   . lo  Kendal
                                   lJo.     lo  Pcnrilh        IJo.  ·   lo  Pairilh
                                   Do.      to . Carliflc      Do.       to  Carlijlc
                                                         •  ..
                                       fr 1,gan  to  {;!JcJ:Jey,  "WllD  .Le11cr_s 1ur uui.;,.,;;;, 11,  ..., c.
                                       lJo.  · 10  Pr_ef.1011;  wilh Lct1crs to ~;farwanlctl.
                                     B£TW~£N ni~c ~nd Im o'Clpd chi~ Fo~cnoon, ~ found,
                                 in the Towoallp of /Yiga11 :iforcf?,id,  c.ic PomUnteau opc:icd :m'd
                                 cm pry.
                                     W HO£Y£R. will  apprehend,  or c:iufc  to be :ipprchcndcd,.  che
                                 Pcrfon  who  committed  the  Robbery,  will,  on  Conviaion,  be
                                 c:nticlcd to a Reward of
                                      Two . Hundred  Pounds.
                                     ANY Pcrfons finding :iny of the Bags or Letters,  arc de.fired
                                 to bring them ro the Poft-Officc,  'Wigan.            ·
                                    · c:¥" ALL .Tradcfmcn.  &c.  are  de.fired  to  be  cautious  what
                                 Hills thev take,  and to na"ticc Saangc:r.s off~ng any.   ·

                                           l'U~ Br W. LYON, J4UXET-l'J..o\CE. WJGAN.

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