Page 69 - Paton: American Panorama
P. 69
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3 . 2 THE CONFEDERATE ST A T ES O F A M E R IC A 7 8 6 0 - 7 8 6 5
JeffeAAon Davit) (7 808-89) waA a Wet>t P o in t graduate (7828) who fou gh t in th e 1846-48
w ith M exico (qv 2. 1) befoAe becoming S e cre ta ry S ta te 7853-57 & U. S . Sen ator
He waA th e PAeAident o f th e CSA fAom 9.F E B .67 u n tit A in A 7865.
'Soldiedb Letted 1 [adddebbee payb) with Name (P.N. ) i Unit - Stone'b Reg 6th
cdb MEMPHIS/ Ten, 20.APR.1862 on Davib/Stephenb 7 Stad Patdiotic 'DUE 10' - 500 mile '
CoveA F*iont o n ly
A texandeAStephens ( 1 8 1 2 - 8 3) se rv e d aA MC foA GeoAgia in U.S. 7 843-59. He u>a4
elected to Confederate CongAeAA in 1861 & of the CSA
B A ie ft y impAiboned at the end of the C iv it UlaA but Ae-etected aA an MC 1873-82
Idee Fdank' o| Alexanded Stephenb while a U.S. MC; cdb FREE/ WASHINGTON/ DC.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +