Page 72 - Paton: American Panorama
P. 72
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4 .7 C I V I L WAR I N T H E EAST 7867-7865
ElASt navalbattle between lA o n cla d sh ip s too k pta.ce in Hampton on 9 .M AR.62.
U nion ’M o n ito r’ was puApose b u ilt by John £ A l c s8 & d e v o lv in g
tuAAet w ith two 11" guns. CSA 'U iA .g i.n ia ’ , o th e ’MetuUmac’ ,
f i t t e d w ith an lAonclad pAow & S l x 9 ” gu nt. R e s u lt , 6, I n d e c is iv e .
John Ericwon
B attle Scene iwere p o p u l a r ai propaganda on Union ’ PaiAioiic Covers1.
dcdi HARPERS FERRy/ UA. FEB.7863 ihomi Union re-occupation.
In KIN.63 Harperr Ferrg war in new Union State
JanuaAy 1862 a f l e e t o f 19 Union waAShlps & 65 caAAled Gen. & 12,000
men to captuAe Roanoke I s . , N .C a A o lln a . BombaAdment & la n d in g on F E B .62.
The Stars and Stripes! What hand shall dare
To desecrate the flag we bear f
The flag of Stars whoso cheering light,
Made bright, oppression’s gloomy night!
The flag of Stripes, whose heavenly dyes
Flash’d freedom’s day spring through the akiew
Our flag! the standard of the free!
Symbol of hojre and liberty. Janvier. l*5i i #
hi certification for ioldieh'i Fetter (N.E.G. = hew England Guard)
"U.S.SHIP 3c ti" ii naval ’due’ marfe to prevent civilian 2c Ship Letter charge.
Contains letter datelined 2.FEB.62 written on board a transport ihip.
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