Page 138 - Gustaf Douglas: Classic Sweden
P. 138
Epilogue: Gustaf’s four ”cornerstones”
refletcted in the collection
Gustaf Douglas the creator of this collection Gustaf’s expectations on the treatment and the
of postal history and philately from the pre‐philatelic presentation of the material are high and his wishes
and classic periods of Sweden, is unique in many for a new and innovative approach have been fulfilled.
aspects. Since Gustaf reactivated his collecting again This is reflected in the collection and obvious if
seven years ago (after 20 years absence) we have been compared to previous norms in the philatelic
privileged to work very closely together with Gustaf in contexts. Referring to what Gustaf says in the
the creation of his ”Golden Collection of Swedish beginning of this book: ”… two friends that are
Philately”. By adding a few important and personal absolutely indispensable in forming the current
notes, we would like to collection … Without Olle and
conclude this fantastic Jonas I would not have had the
Display given to the Royal current collection. It is like it
Philatelic Society London, is in life – you never build any‐
and summarize this to the thing single‐handed on your
Display attached book. own.” In regard of the four
mentioned criterion, we have
Gustaf has rarely lost any
Presentation Condition both played our roles thanks
opportunity to acquire rari‐
to regularly being challenged
ties and unique items to his
by Gustaf’s own subjectivity
collection. With his back‐
ground as a former commit‐ combined with his self‐
tee member of the FACIT distance and huge portion of
Treatment humour.
catalogues, his awareness of
”right and wrong” what to The collection includes
acquire is highly respected numerous unique and rare
by both of us. His collection stamps as well as philatelic
is the most comprehensive collection of the period gems, including the unique 3 Skilling Banco Yellow.
ever presented publicly inside or outside Sweden. Aquiring the 3 Skilling Banco Yellow is of course a
Swedish stamps from the classic period were printed great conquest for the collection, but honestly to say
in quite many setups ending up in a lot of varities in what has given most pleasure is the number of gems
deliveries, shades and papers. Gustaf has not turned not as obvious in regard of being glamourous or rare,
in for the challenge to search for all these varities. but philatelically important for the period.
Even though Gustaf’s aim has been compre‐ Gustaf has not ignored the importance of the
hensiveness he has not deviated from the demand postage stamp, the foundation and unifying force of
for best possible condition on all material included the stamp hobby. Of that reason the balance between
in the collection. The excellent condition is the number of rare stamps and the number of covers
undoubtedly reflected by the material presented in is quite pervasive. When that factor is taken into
the collection. Gustaf’s interests for geography, account, the collection includes numerous unique
historical studies and in graphic art are like a ”red covers, postal rates, multiple frankings, destinations
thread” reflected through the collection’s appearance. or other features.