Page 25 - Gustaf Douglas: Classic Sweden
P. 25
The Parliament’s decision
The Swedish Government requested the Postal Administration to prepare for a decided uniform postage rate to
be introduced. This rate was established at 4 Skilling Banco in the lowest weight category ≤ 1¼ lod (16,45 gram).
The postal reform was effective from Sunday 1 July 1855.
First domestic letter rate from BOLLNÄS 2.8.1855 to Stockholm. [4 Skilling Banco a1.]
In conjunction with the postage reform the Postal Administration gave notice by proclamations and circulars of
a set of instructions of which some are of philatelic interest. It was for instance prescribed that the adhesive
stamps were to be applied in the upper left‐hand corner of the face of the letter. As regards the cancellations it
was decided that the stamps were to be cancelled by using printer’s ink showing name of post office and date.
The above letter mail clearly illustrates both these instructions.
The same contract stipulated also that Sparre
In the printing contract between the Postal
Administration and Sparre, §4 states that stamps without compensation from the Postal Admini‐
should be produced in five separate denominations, stration was to change the denomination from
namely 4, 8, 3, 6 and 24 Skilling Banco. Each separate Skilling Banco to a new monetary unit which the
denomination of stamps is to have a color different administration would establish when the monetary
from the others, thus: reform decided on by the Government was to take
effect and a sufficient supply of coins had been
4 Skilling Banco Blue
8 Skilling Banco Yellow
3 Skilling Banco Green
6 Skilling Banco Vermilion or Violet
24 Skilling Banco Dark Red