Page 45 - Gustaf Douglas: Classic Sweden
P. 45
24 Öre i. Orange‐yellow [1872]
First letter rate with railway PKXP NR. 3 UPP 3.5.1872 (Stockholm‐Uppsala) to Switzerland
First letter rate via North Germany 24 öre + 12 Öre postal stationery stamped envelope type I = 36 Öre (36 Öre ≤ 15g
in force from 1.4.1869 until 31.12.1872). This is the first postal stationery from Sweden introduced on 1 January 1872.
Mixed frankings on 12 Öre postal stationery stamped envelopes with Coat‐of‐Arms are rare since they only were in
force the first 6 months in 1872 (when the usage of Coat‐of‐Arms officially ceased).
5 Öre c2. Yellow‐green [1870‐72] “15 Rdr“ International Money Order from SÄFSJÖ 17.10.1872 to Denmark
Money Orders were intro‐
duced from Sweden to
Denmark (and Norway)
effective from 1 August 1866.
Until 1.1.1874 the fee to
Denmark was the same as
the domestic fee.
The Money Order fee was
25 Öre ≤ 50 Rdr in force from
1.7.1869 until 31.12.1873. 5
Öre + 20 Öre Lying Lion type
= 25 Öre correct fee.