Page 72 - Charles Shreve - William H Gross United States 1847 Issue
P. 72
B. Auxiliary Postal Services
6. Way Mail
This unusual marking was initially intended for use on unpaid letters but it is here used as a canceller. The letters were
picked up by a contract carrier (other than a route agent) and the marking was applied en route- or on the "\'(/AY" to
destination. It seems that the usual 1~ way fee was not applicable or was paid in cash.
Pale red brown e ("paimlj Orange brown e Pale red brown Red brown
''\V AY I 6" in dull blue. ''WAY I 6" in bright blue. ''\'1/AY 15" in light blue. ''\'1/A Y I 5" in dark blue.
Red brown e Orange brown
''WAY" in red. ''WAY 15" in red.
MY 1, 1851 to Baltimore, MD.