Page 28 - Mick Bister - The Postcode Programmes of France
P. 28

                                         ALPHA-NUMERIC LANGUAGE


1 234567890                              ----A----B----C--D---E----F---G--------H---I···•J----K----L---M---N---O----P----Q----R---S---T---U-----V--W--X---~---


The P.L.M. language is identifiable by its floating start and by the translation of the two digits
of the departement being restricted to positions 2 to 7. Seventeen coding desks operated at the
Gare de P.L.M. (Paris-Lyon-Mediterranee) sorting office from 1October1969 to 30 June 1975.

     fJ!mi'W//, 1 tv->m11auda-n//

JY"' C~e.- ))e, wtill? )f41 !t~fi/41""
    e,~{.. Clh.M1ee, ~ e. M e/2,-
  J~~ J()/Wl()l1 U&

    '! 3 ctoutM I/cu-a/

Moelan-sur-Mer to Toulon                 u   --0  ----T          3    8
     8 December 1969
                                         --  -                   ---  ---
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33