Page 17 - Handout
P. 17
The Swedish Kingdom’s Great Power Era in Central Europe, 1630-1814 Swedish Territorial expansion attempts to seize control of more Trade (i.e. more tax) in Central and Northern Europe, 1650s- This period cover first the Swedish Kings´ interest of: of political alliances between the European nations. expand the Swedish territory in the south eastern Baltic Sweden, with its expansive moves, had disturbed the area to control more of the trade and to have more easily balance of power between the European nations and all did not accept this. defended Sw. mainland in the southwest. By the Peace treaties with Denmark 1658 and 1660 The long wars had periods with little fighting and local Sweden got its wishes of more easily defended Sw. armistices, because everything one wish to do with the mainland by gaining the Danish main territory army was dependent on one's ability to raise the money connected by land to south and south western Sweden. for recruitment of soldiers, new weapons, supplies and sea and land transportation to and for the large armies. The wars of the 1600’s are very complicated with a lot War against Bremen 1654 In the peace treaty of Westphalia 1648 after the Thirty When the city got an invitation to the German parlia- years war Sweden obtained the City of Bremen inclusive ment the question got very tense. Bremen was important the county of Bremen in northern Germany. According to Sweden both economical and by the power on society to the treaty the city of Bremen had the right to keep its of the Arch Bishop. In reality there were no fights in this town privileges. However the city refused to accept war and an armistice was signed in September 1654. In Swedish sovereignty and instead they started negotia- the Peace Treaty, signed in Stade November 28, 1654, tions with the Holy Roman Emperor about being directly Bremen honours the Swedish King and accepts to follow subordinated him. the Swedish foreign policy. Sweden promises to protect the city and encourage the trade on Bremen. 1654 By courier to the Swedish King Carl X Gustav, commander of the Swedish forces... ...outside the city of Bremen During the first months of the small force, so no attack could (north Germany) and with nine war Sw. forces had to move be done. During the summer rows of titles in German. The units and special siege units to Sweden sent enough reinforce- Swedish King had the highest the area due to the well ments to end the war. command of all the Swedish fortified city. Sweden sent a too military forces. Duration: Mar. - Nov. 28, 1654 Main area: county of Bremen, Germany Sw. militaries: approx. 3500
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