Page 13 - Handout
P. 13
The Swedish Kingdom’s Great Power Era in Central Europe, 1630-1814 Swedish Armed Forces deployed to the Central European War Theatre to support the Protestants in the war against the Catholics, 1630- In late 16 century the Swedish Kings´ interest change cousin Sigismund was King of Poland, former King of th from only domestic matters to Sweden's neighbours also. Sweden and Catholic. Sweden try to extend its territory east of the Baltic Sea. One major reason was to control more of the trade from The officers and soldiers in the Swedish army these the eastern Baltic area, thus generated more income of years were mercenaries and were all to be paid, thus the taxes and duty to the Government. Other reasons for the need of income to the Government. A long war could early wars in 17 century were the complicated situation have periods with armistices and little fighting, because th of the rights to the Swedish throne and different religion. everything one wish to do with the army was dependent E.g. the Sw. King Gustav II Adolf was Protestant and his on one's ability to raise the money. The Thirty years War 1630-1648 The background to the 30-year war was a constantly During the 1620’s Sweden was involved in a war in increasing tension between the Catholics and Protestants Poland. After the armistice in Altmark in 1629 Sweden of Europe – a tension that backdates to Martin Luther could attend the War in Germany. The French encour- and the Reformation in 1517. The leader of the catholic aged a Swedish intervention in Germany. There are side was the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire with many reasons why Sweden entered the war. One was the foremost German Principalities and Spain. On the increased power of the Holy Roman Empire and their Protestant side were Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands plan of a naval base at the north German coast at the and England. On the Protestant side there was also the Baltic Sea. This would have been a threat to the Swedish catholic France. plans of expansion. Then of course there were the ideological factors concerning the issue of religious War broke out in 1618 in the protestant Bohemia with an freedom. King Gustav II Adolf and Sweden entered the uprising against the Holy Roman Emperor. After a few war when the Swedish army landed on the island of years of the war the imperial catholic side had full Usedom June 26, 1630 in northern Germany. control of southern Germany. In 1626, Denmark, Eng- land and the Netherlands made an unsuccessful attempt In the Peace Treaty in Westphalia October 10, 1648 to intervene in the war against the Holy Roman Sweden received Vorpommern, parts of Hinter- Emperor. Even the German princes worries about the pommern, Wismar, Bremen and Verden. success of the imperial side. They didn’t want a too strong Emperor. Even France had worries about this. In 1629 the Holy Roman forces had full control of Germany. Shown Swedish stages of the conflict: Campaign and build-up of Swedish forces in Pomerania, Germany 1630 Campaign in north and middle of Germany 1631-1632 Campaign in southern Germany 1632-1633 Defence of southern Germany 1634-1635 War against Sachsen 1635-1637 Defence of Pomerania 1637-1639 Campaign in Bohemia & Moravia 1642-1643 Campaign in Bavaria 1646-1647 Campaign in Bavaria 1648 Duration: Jun. 26, 1630 – Oct. 10, 1648 Main area: German-Roman Empire Enemy: The Catholic Emperor in Europe