Page 9 - Handout
P. 9
War in Ingermanland against Russia 1610-1617 The Swedish purpose with the war was to secure the Ingria to Sweden, by that Russia was completely cut of eastern borders towards Russia. One of the plans of this the Baltic Sea. war was to put the Duke Carl Philip (brother of the Swedish King, Gustav II Adolf) as tsar of Russia. At the Also Russia had to relinquish all claims of Estonia and Peace Treaty in Stolbova February 7, 1617 Russia has to Livonia. Sweden had to recognize Michail Romanov as cede Kexholms county and the greater part of tsar of Russia and to return the conquered Novgorod. 1614 By courier from Sw. commander Horn, Narva Estonia – Coporie, Ingria... …and the Swedish governor of Coporie Joakim Berndes. Dated Narva May 23, 1614 and signed (mp) by the Sw. commander of the military forces Field Marshal Evert Horn. Already for about 400 years ago it was important to write in the letter where, when, from who and show that it was signed in person, especially for officials. For example: Narva den (=the) 23 Maj (=May) Ao (Anno Domini) 1614 Evert K. (=Karlsson) Horn Mpp (=Manu Propria) (= “signed with my own hand”) After the peace treaty 1613 with Denmark the Sw. FINLAND (Sweden) King sent several regiments to the Russian War Åbo Theatre. It took very long time to transport regiments Helsinki uu these days. Russian reinforcements helped to uu recapture several Russian fortresses 1613, e.g Gdov. uu Coporie Baltic Sea Reval Narva Ivangorod Swedish reinforcements arrived late 1613 and a ESTONIA RUSSIA spring campaign was launched from Narva. From (Sweden) uu Gdov spring 1614 the fortress Gdov (Augdov) was once uu again under siege to its capitulation in Sep. 10, 1614. POLAND uu Pskov Duration: Aug. 1610 - Feb. 22, 1617 Main area: Ingria, Russia The letter route Sw. militaries: approx. 28000 Riga Sw. forces 1614