Page 24 - Handout
P. 24
The Swedish Kingdom’s Great Power Era in Central Europe, 1630-1814 All four Sw. powerful neighbours challenged the Sw. Kingdom about the power of the North half of Europe, 1700-1721 In 1699 Russian Tsar Peter I, ruler August II of Poland Karl XI in 1697, above all with a young inexperienced & Saxony and Danish King Fredrik IV formed a pact of regent, King Karl XII. They were now to meet one of the aggression against Sweden. They were all after Swedish best trained armies in Europe at this time, the Swedish territory. Russia was after the Baltic coast, Poland Carolean Army. wanted Livonia (a Swedish Baltic province) and Denmark wanted to regain its former provinces in south From 1700 Sweden has to defend its provinces in of Sweden. The three nations of the pact were all Germany, the Baltic area and later its mainland against convinced that Sweden was weak after the death of King its neighbours Russia, Denmark, Poland and Saxony. War against Denmark 1700 In 1697 grow tensions between Sweden and Denmark On July 25, 1700 the Swedish King Carl XII attacked because the Danish forces destroyed fortifications inside Humlebäck just north of Copenhagen by sea assault. Holstein-Gottorp, which was allied with Sweden. From Landing area is soon in Swedish hands and the force is Wismar and Bremen (Swedish possessions) Sweden send expanded to 10000 soldiers. The plan was to attack Co- 2400 soldiers to support the defence and rebuild the for- penhagen. Fredrik IV was now asking for peace negotia- tifications. In March 1700 begins an occupation of Hol- tions which both the United Kingdom and the Nether- stein-Gottorp by Fredrk IV. Sweden send a force of about land also asked Sweden to accept. Peace Treaty with 7000 soldiers to support the defence. Denmark is signed in Traventhal August 18, 1700. 1700 Free-letter by Royal Mail Stockholm - His Majesty the King Carl XII, Malmö... ...with listing nr “3”, dated and signed 6 öre silver coins Stockholm-Malmö letter rate June 19, 1700 by nine men including -1¼ lod (=16.6g.) Jan. 1, 1693 - Jan. 31, 1710. councillors in the Sw. Government. Arri- val notation “Malmö July 12, 1700”. Also with postmark “F” (=free-letter) (type 2, Stockholm, Dec. 1686 - Mar. 1689 and Mar. 1695 - Mar. 1702) which was made of iron by the jobbing blacksmith Jürgen Müller. The Sw. King was in Malmö at the mobilized embarked at Humlebaeck (south of Sw. Army planning the attack on Denmark. Helsingör), Själland. In one day Sweden Jul. 25, 1700 the Sw. Army was transported moved 4900 soldiers to Själland. The Danes over the Öresund by the Sw. Navy and made only small resistance. Duration: early Jun. 1700 - Aug. 18, 1700 Main area: Själland, Denmark Sw. militaries: approx. 10000