Page 26 - Handout
P. 26
War against Poland & Saxony 1700-1706 1705 By Sw. military courier Samotuly, Poland - Danzig,... ...Poland dated and signed June 17, 1705 to Lieutenant-General of the Sw. Infantry Count Magnus Stenbock (at this time in Danzig). uu Baltic Sea Danzig The letter route uu Sw. Swedish forces Pomerania POLAND PRUSSIA Samotuly Jun.-Jul. Rawicz SAXONY SILESIA The sender, Sw. Colonel Ernst Detlof von Krassow, was commander of a German In late 17 century a th recruited dragoon regiment, which fought separate cover for the with the Sw. King in Poland from 1702. written letter started to be used in Europe. The Content was about supplies to the Sw. officers abroad artillery. were among the first Swedes to use a cover for the written letter. 1706 By Sw. military Subil’ne, Poland - Luts’k... …(today western Ukraine) dated and signed June 23, 1706 by the Sw. Quartermaster Carl Cronstedt to the Chamberlain of war Nicolaus Psilander at the Sw. Army’s headquarter. Quartermaster Carl Cronstedt served at the Sw. Field Artillery and become POW July 1, 1709 at Perevolotjna, Russia. Content about collected contributions from the Wolhynia region. One way to finance the armies. During these days the Sw. field Army collected contributions from regions near the marching route. If a region didn’t pay, it could be raided, thus causing much more damage. PRUSSIA The letter route In 1706 the Sw. King Carl XII with the Sw. Army marched Warszsawa Swedish forces south to the Polish south east regions to introduce their “new” Swedish friendly Polish King and demand loyalty to him. Jul.-Sep. Subil’ne SAXONY Lublin Luts’k is reached June 6, 1706 where the Sw. Army’s SILESIA Luts’k headquarter was placed during the month in region Wolhynia. The Sw. King Carl XII had for some years thought of try to end the ongoing war by sending Sw. troops into Saxony and force them to a peace treaty. July 7, started he the long march to Saxony.
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