Page 101 - Fenning_Scoland
P. 101

1702 - Newcastle to Dumfries letter partly prepaid and partly unpaid

                         On a few occasions letters were prepaid for part of the journey and unpaid for the rest of
                         the journey. This practice appears to  have been  acceptable to  the Post Office but it was
                         seldom used.

                                                                           4 111   January  1702.  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  to
                                                                            Dumfries via Edinburgh.

                                                                               'For the honourable the Lady Kirkconnell at
                                                                                 Kirkconnell near Drumfries in Scotland
                                                                             This is desired to be hastened as directed by the
                                                                                 postmaster of Dmmfries     These'

                                                                           The sender had endorsed the address panel
                                                                           p' pd (post paid).

                                                                           On receipt at Edinburgh Post Office, the words
                                                                           'to Edr'  (to  Edinburgh) were added  after p' pd
                                                                           for  clarification,  and  initialled.  The  letter  was
                                                                           also endorsed with the postal charge 'Z for its
                                                                           onward journey.

                                                                           The  'Z  was  the  two  shillings  (Scots)  single
                                                                           letter unpaid rate for the Edinburgh to Dumfries
                                                                           part  of the  journey  (per the  1695  Act  of the
                                                                           Scottish Parliament).

                                                                           This  is one of the few  examples  of a letter of
                                                                           this period partly prepaid and partly unpaid.
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