Page 107 - Fenning_Scoland
P. 107
Anno .Regni
The Post Office Act of 1711
A N N 1E
The 1711 Act (9 Anne, cap 10) is amongst
An AC!: for Eftahlifhing a Gener~l Poft-Office for . all the most important Acts in Post Office
Her Maje:fties Dominions, and for Settling a Weekly history. It came into effect 1 June 1711. R E G I N 1E
Sum out of the Revenues thereof, for the Service of
the War, and other Her Majefties Occafions. · It was the Act which brought the British Post Magnd Britannid, Franci~, & Hiberni4,
Office into existence, as previously the
llD ~ ~ ®~acfoui:i ~olleteign, . W(Jeren~ Pmmbi
. bp an aft mnlle tn tbe ~tuelftb ~ear of English and Scottish Post Offices had been
tbe 1Rctgn of l)>ifS late Sl)njeltp · Jl\irtt\ separately administered. NON 0.
Charles tbe 0cconll n QJ5cnernf t:i>ofi,llDfficc
tunss e.creacn ann ~ffab!illJell in t!Jat
part of Great Britain tallell England, illlil It united the two Post Offices under one
bp tbe .~tuentfctb Q!f of tbe .ll'ift!J 0ef, Postmaster General and opened the way for At the Parlia1nent Begun and·Halden at Weflminfter,
lion of tbe .ll'irtt JF)arltnment of l!JiSS
late ©af eff!? Jl\fng William tbe ~!Jitb a the development of the post throughout the the Twenty fifth Day of November, Anno Dom.
®enetnI tSoft,llDtncc 111nss QCreffell an:o United Kingdom.
l.!ttab!UIJen tn tbnt part of Great Britain .1710. In the Ninth Year of the Reign of our So-
canen Scotland, ann febernl Ratess of
tli>offnge 11lm tbmbp felmnllp appointe:o to be JRecetuen, uniler It also established the principle of using part vereign Lady ANNE, by the Grace of God, of
.felleral :Oiffercnt Jl;lowerss nnn llutboiitiess ; 1llbicb 'Qr:UJo. JL\tngnom11 of Post Office revenues for financing wars,
being fince <llniten, it ffl mort Iiltefp tbat n <lCoirctponnence flP. Great Britain, France, and ·Ire/anti, Queen, De-
}!Donss tnill be bell mannrrell nnn o~neren fO! tbe Jl;lubl!t!t ~oon, tiv an approach that was to continue for over
<llntttnrr nlfo tbe rntn ~tuo Wo!MDfficzss tmner oue ~offmnt'fei;'", one hundred years. This resulted in many fender of the Faith, &c. being the Firft Seffion of
~ene~al: ann tubereass alfo Jl;loffss bnlle at rrtent <lCbnrgci.t been
-trr:.(fnhhtl'"" 'hu 1t:\nrt.of-_f\1%1"tl."lof.l"i .,,,,. .. ,..,,..,.., .. ... 1 ...... ..r. -.......... -* ....... ...... · · rises in postal rates until the Post Office this prefent Par Jiaµient.
Reforms in 1839 - 1840.
An extract from the first page of the Act
Provenance: ex the Shalda collection I •.
Ref: Three Centuries of Scottish Posts by A.R.B. Haldane
Printed by the Affigns of Thomai Newcomb, and Henry
, Hi-Us, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens moft Ex-
cellent Majefiy . . 17 r I.