Page 35 - Fenning_Scoland
P. 35

Rates set during the Commonwealth Period

                                         1657 - Edinburgh to London 1s 4d Multiple Rate

                          Oliver  Cromwell's rt September  1654  Ordinance  laid  down  the  rates  for  single,
                          double and larger letters and packets of letters to Scotland in multiples of 4d .


                                    21st  May  1657.  This  letter,  from  Edinburgh to  London,  amving
                                    six days later,  was charged at the quadruple rate of 1 s 4d for a
                                    four sheet letter, as laid down in the 1654 Ordinance:

                                    "To and from Scotland, if a single letter,  four pence,  if a double
                                    letter, eight pence and so proportionably'.

                                    The letter is endorsed  1 N 4'

                                   The  letter contained  an  enclosure  and  the writer states  "I doe
                                   heer returne the enclosed". The quadruple rate  may have been
                                   due to several enclosures or this letter being the topmost letter
                                   in  a  packet  of  letter  addressed  to  Francis  Kinloch  from

                                   Provenance: Michael Jackson's 'Early Letters' exhibit
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