Page 123 - Collection
P. 123

Scouting Around the World Lithuanian DP Camp Detmold - Niirtingen and Tiibingen

           1946 Lithuanian DP Camp Detmold, fi ve stamps w ith Lithuanian Boy Scout embl em.
            Th ese stamps were to some extent al so used by Lithuan ians in other German citi es.

  tJ Jl b  r


      Coverfrom "NORTINGEN -7." to the Kemp/en Lithuanian DP camp.
       A /O P[ Detmold Scout stamp is affixed, but probably served no postal fimction.


An Herrn

   Special delivery (expres) cover fi'om "TVBINGEN 30. 10.47" to Meerbeck.
A 20?[ Detmold Scout stamp is affixed, but probably served no postal fimction.
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