Page 127 - Collection
P. 127

Scouting Around the World  Lithuanian DP Camp Augustdorf

Sco ut units we re formed in many of th e Displ aced Persons ca mps in Germ any, fo ll ow ing the Second World
Wa r. In seve ra l of the ca mps, the Sco uts a lso unde rtook a mail deli ve ry service, thi s was the case fo r the
Boy Scouts in the D.P. camp at Augustdorf in the Lippe di stri ct of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

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l'ostcardfi·om A11g11stdo1f ./ Dec. 19./7 to U.S.A. On reverse cachet "2 la AUGUSTDORF-Lll'l'E I POSTAMT SCOUTl'OST",
which was used by the Scout mail delive1y service in the AugustdOJf-Lippe D. P. camp. The camp was for Lithuanian refugees.


Special delivery letter sent fi'om A 11g11stdo1f 8 Ja n, 1948 to Bremen. Germany. Cachet "130)' SCO UT POST IN GEllMAN)' I SKA UTU
PASTAS l'OK!ETIJOJE ·· (in English and U thua11ian), which was used by the Scout mail delive1y service in the Aug ustdOlfD. P. camp.
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