Page 19 - Collection
P. 19

2.1 The Scout Uniform creates an identity and constitutes a bond of brotherhood across borders

Baden-Powell 's des ign of the Boy Scout uni form was stron gly in spired by hi s own experience in military
uni fo rm s. The uniform should be practical and comfo rtable fo r its user, and it should not be expensive.



         The slogan shows broken letter in VII in "PRA HA 28.Vl. -4. VII. 1931" The broken letter is recordedfrom 20 June.

      Baden-Powell had used the broad-brimmed khaki hat for the first time during the 1895 Ashanti
      campaign in Go ld Coast, West Afri ca. The Scout scarf, or neckerchi ef, he used in 1897 in
      Matabeleland as a 'grey co loured handkerchi ef loose ly ti ed round the neck to prevent sunburn '.

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                     Sheet margin inscription reads 11 /st National Boy Scout Jamboree".

He chose the fl annel shirt for the South Afri can Constabulary which he organi sed
in 1900. He told hi s men to roll up their sleeves to show that they " were prepared" .
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