Page 23 - Collection
P. 23

2.2 ... the Scout and Guide Emblems, Salute and Handshake are Scouting's unifying symbols
                                                The Boy Scout Badge is the Fleur-
                                                de-Lys symbol of the northern
                                                hemisphere on maritime chans - the
                                                famous orth that must never be
                                                lost. The Fleur-de-L s is also an
                                                old French and Italian Royal symbol.

                          Domestic prepaid letter sent from St. Sebastian pres St. Benoir-du-Sault (France), 9 January 1787,
                          via Argenton to Paris. Manuscript "7" (reverse) denotes prepaid postage 7 sols. The postage rate
                         from 1759 was 7 sols (~ 3.5 decimes)for a letter up to 114 ounce, at a distance o/60-80 lieus (273-
                          364 km). The Argenton transit cancel was in use from 1778 to 1787. The Fleur-de-lys cancel was
                          struck at " la Grande Poste " in Paris. ". P.P. " confirms that the postage was paid by the sender.
                          The Fleur-de-lys was a Royal symbol, and this cancel was not used after the revolution in 1789.

     The Fleur-de-Lys was chosen as the Boy Scout Badge because it points in the right direction, and upwards.

                                 Domestic unpaid letter dated " 14Janvier 1815 ", at 4 decimes rate from "78 ANT/BES"
                                 (France) sent to Aix. The Fleur-de-lys cancel is applied on arrival at Aix-en-Provence.
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