Page 26 - Collection
P. 26

2.2 ... the Scout and Guide Emblems, Salute and Handshake are Scouting's unifying symbols


A'sGRAVENHAGE                          ;{IB LANDGOEDDOSTERBE
     Gv. :M f 509
                                       ~=$~  WASSENAA t

                                             2-12 AUGUSTUS_19

This badge now symbolises Scouting all over the world.

Ass\lll~ras f or 100: - (e tt hundra ) kron or .

                                      He r r S . Larson
                                      Box 29
                                      Stockholm 1.

 The Scout Badge is one of the most widely spread symbols.
All members of the Movement wear it, in one fonn or anqther.

Above: Facsimile from the                    :Jfa. ~~
Norwegian Postal Museum
showing a 'National Camp                                      ........ ··········· ··········-···········.
at Manda/ 1932' postmark
with an asterix at bottom,                     !~
engraved 6 June (errone-
ous month in postmark). It i -~~~~~-~           !"' · ~
was not approved, and in >--------~
the I0 June re-engraving
the asterix was sub-stituted
by a small Boy Scout
Badge, probably in order
to visualise that this was a
Boy Scout camp.

Right: Engraver 's proof oj
the re-engraved postmark.
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