Page 28 - Collection
P. 28

2.2 .. . the Scout and Guide E mblems, Salute and Handshake are Scouting's unifying symbols

v Olofsborgsligret               ASSlltltAS FtJR FEMI'IO (5 0) KRONOR
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The vein pointing upwards through the Trefoil centre
represents the compass needle, it is pointing the way.

Feldpost                                 ~·1.'EN 1
Poste de campagne
Posta di campo                   IR

Oargereicht von der Militir·                       \.\EQet...J
kommission der Christlichen
Vereine Junger Miinner                       \.l . AWLIKE.12.
Offert par la Commission
militaire des Unions                             °P\(oHE.tvAD€.. s~
Chr8tiennes de jeunes Gens
Offerto dalla Commissione                     lZt-o DAvos
militare delle Associazioni
Criatiane dei Giovani


Eintellung/Division/ UnitA:

Free postage fie ld post letter, from Girl Guides on service for the Swiss Army.
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