Page 33 - Collection
P. 33

3.l The Law, Promise and Motto represent core Scouting Values

Smeared appearance caused by a                                            Perfin "/WILL", used by the city of
solvenr smudge on a roller during                                        Chigago, ///. This has been the city's
                                                                         11nojficial motto since the 1892 World
         the printing process.
                                                                                  Colombian Exposition.

                                              Pei/oration shift.

            At the investiture, the Scout will make the Scout Prom ise
            to the Troop Leader, in front of the Scouts of the Troop.


                               L -- ; ...

Scoutin g is open to all , regardless of race, nationa lity and re li gion. As it is
exemplifi ed in the Scout Promise, Scouting is based on adherence to spi ritu al
principles, loyalty to your reli gion and acceptance of duti es resultin g thereof.

Colour # I                         Colour #2  Colo11r #3 Colour #2, repeated Combination ofcolo11rs #1-3

                                              Trial colo11r plate proof

                                                    The Scout Promise:
                                   On my honour, I promise that I wi ll do my best

                                      I. To do my duty to God a nd my Country;
                                          2. To help other people at all times;
                                                3. To obey the Scout Law.
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