Page 38 - Collection
P. 38

3.3 ... the community supports Scouting; Royal approval sets an example and governments follow their lead

                            Control mark.                          Cancelled at Ban Pong, the location of
                                                                  a Wild Tiger Corps camp, near Bangkok
King Rama VI of Siam brought back the idea
of Scouting from Eng land where he studied.
In 19 l 1, he estab lished the "Wi ld T iger Corps"
for adults and created a junior branch "Tiger
Cubs" w hich continues today as the Scouts.

                         Control mark

                            Control mark.

Stamps and postal cards were overprinted by hand, using a rubber
cancel, with the emblem of the "The Wild Tiger Corps" Scouting
organisation, a tiger head, and .;Scout's Fund" in Siamese.

                                                                  011(y 2,000 stamps were overprinted ofthe I Tica/ stamp.

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