Page 41 - Collection
P. 41

3.3 ... the community supports Scouting; Royal approval sets an example and governments follow their lead


                 S teigerweg 16

REG ISTERED                                                                                  BERN E

                                                                                              S witze rl and

Domestic air.foreign surf ace mail cover, parrly franked with a single Scout's Fund type Ill stamp. Posted 23 Dec 1923 at Roi-Ed. andflow n to Bangkok,

transit cancellation Bangkok 4 Jan and received in Bern, Switzerland 4 Feb 1924. The 73s postage overpaid the 60s postage for letters up to 20 grammes.

The overprint comprises the Wild T iger Scout emblem, the Tig:!r Head, and " Scout' s Fund" in Siamese and Engli sh.

                   Part of "Ministry of Finance (Dept. of Privy Purse) - controlled " mark.

The Siamese King's support of Scouting resulted in a boost in its popularity in Siam.
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