Page 45 - Collection
P. 45

3.3 ... the community supports Scouting; Royal approval sets an example and governments follow their lead


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In many countries, the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides receive valuable support from the Royal family,
the President, or from other influential persons who offer patron age for the organisation, or serve in
honourary positions. This is a recognition and valuation of Scouting and Guiding, and increases its
popularity. Shah Mohammed Riza Pahlavi was Honorary President of the Iranian Boy Scouts.
Scouting was supported by the Romanian Roya l family, and H.R.H. Prince Nicholas was Chief Scout.


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The 011ly recorded Specimen overprint, from           lmpe1forate between.      Offset on reverse.  Ordinary overprint.

example ofblack       the Portuguese Colonial         Six pairs are recordetl.

p r o o f overprint.  U. P.U. Archive.


                                               Graf Zeppelin Romfa.hrt 1933

LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN                              Rerrn
  ROMFAHRT - 1933
                                                      ~ v!l Triib,

                                                      D(j ..,_ .dorf .


         Registered cover, sent from Triesenberg, Liechtenstein by surface mail to Friedrichshafen, Germany. From there flown
        on the airship LZ 127 "Graf Zeppelin" to Rome. Italy and forwarded by surface mail to Diibendo1f. Switzerland.

H.R.H. Prince Emanuel of Liechtenstein was Chief Scout, and H.R.H. Prince Francis also supported scouting.
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