Page 49 - Collection
P. 49

4.1 Scout Leaders at all levels work to supply a programme that enables Scouts to achieve their potential

•                                    Coils produced ji-om i111pe1forate sheets,
                                     with private pe1forations (gauge l.J) oj
                                     the Boy Scouts of America executive
                                     council in New }'ork. circa 1922.
                                     These stamps were used in an au tomatic
                                     stamp affixing machine.

                                     Fewer than 10 copies are recorded mu/
                                     all are precmrce/ed NEW YORK I N, Y,

All th e Sco ut Troo ps and G roups in the country together form the Nati onal Organi satio n, The
nati o na l o rgani sati o n is Scoutin g' s top leadership in the country , It prov ides a progra mme that
offers effecti ve character, citi zenship, and personal fitn ess training for Boy Sco uts and G irl G uides,

T he nati onal orga ni sati on stages the nati onal Scout camps and j amborees,

                    RETURN TO              .-~              ""-I

  43•d BATfERY ASSOCIATION           . ,,~';\ \ u,UI\',>-,
           B S CAOE - Sec y
                                                            Ut 1  /\.
1 'J CRfN~Ot~R :10"'0 TORONTO, OHT,

                                                            0 ; I l , L n I:_-.

                                                            TOJiELr-l THf B

             A machine cancellation with slogan/or the Boy Scouts' 'Apple Day' campaign was used in 1937, 1938 and 1939.

T he Scouts from Canada sell a ppl es to rai se fund s, rather than th e simpl er a pproach of beggin g for mo ney.
The first Appl e Day took place in Saint John, New Brunsw ick in 1932, a nd the traditi on continues to thi s day.
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