Page 53 - Collection
P. 53

4.2 ... thereby Scouting matches the needs and aspirations of all its members, yo ung and old alike

                                  50'PH ANNIVERSARY OF THB FOUNDATION OF BOY-SCOUTS
                                                                        1907- 1957

The term "Scouting" has come to mean a system of training in c iti zenship, through games, for
boys and girl s. The training is imparted through the Boy Sco ut and Gi rl Guide Movements.

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The Scoutin g principles a re the same for boys and girl s, for Scouts and G uides.

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1937 postmark used in connection with the 3"1Scout gathering in rhe Nanking district with deaf mute and blind Scouts.

     The Scouting programme can also be adapted fo r disabled youth , and they can j o in all -
      handicapped units or nonhandica pped units containing one o r more handi capped Scouts.
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