Page 57 - Collection
P. 57

4.3 ... Air and Sea Scouts explore higher and wider horizons

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             R.R.S . "D iscovery" carri ed Ro bert Fa lcon Scott and Ernest Shackl eton on their first, successful
            j ourn ey to the Antarctic. From 1936 to 1954 she was the tra inin g shi p and hoste l fo r Sea Scouts.

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                                                                 Pittermann category 2 cover. authentic.

     Far from the sea it is not so easy to run a Sea Scout troop, but th ere are large ri vers on whi ch scouts operate.
     In Prague, there were River Scouts or Sea Scouts who had much of the ir tra ining by boati ng on the ri ver
     V ltava whi ch run s th rough the city. The Scouts Assoc iati on had their headquarter on an island in the ri ver.
     In the revo lutio nary days of November, 19 18, the Sco uts of Prague organi sed a ma il de livery service.
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