Page 58 - Collection
P. 58

4.3 .. . Air and Sea Scouts explore higher and wider horizons


                               PAR AVION

                     Postcard flow n by Scout Air Mail f rom Matyasfold airfield. I Aug 1933 was the first day of service. The
                     circular incoming (Budapest-Godo/lo) Scout air mail cachet was only used on this date, and was normally
                     applied in yellow colour. Fl!Wer than jive items are recorded with the air mail cachet in red colour.

                             At the Fourth World Boy Scout Jamboree in Hungary, 1933, a
                             unique Scout air mail postal serv ice was instituted between God6116,
                             the jamboree site, and Matyasfci ld airfield, just outside of Budapest.


     Printed matter at 6 filler rate from Pees to the Jamboree, by Scout Air Mail from Matyasfold airfield near Budapest to the Jamboree.
      Blue incoming (Budapest-Godo/lo) scout air mail cachet. The outgoing (Godo/lo-Budapest) cachet is probably erroneously applied.
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