Page 60 - Collection
P. 60

4.3 ... Air and Sea Scouts explore higher and wider horizons

Dr. Stephen H. Smith ,         ~ ....._ "" ..;.o...J.. c ~~
Secretary of the Indi an
Air Mai l Society, was a       , _~ '"\....... ~ c.~
pioneer in rocket mail
di spatches, and was                 ~ u...."" "),....... ~ <:.~
responsibl e for demon-
strations of thi s new         c~                             ~
method for mail                ~~ -.a.-~
tran sport. Espec ia lly,
the ab ility to effecti ve ly  ~"'"' ~ ~ u.... ~ "\ ~ ยท
spread propaganda was          -.......o..-J... /+~ \ ""--'- ~~
considered important at
the time.                      ~

Eleven different rocket
firings took place at the
All India Boy Scouts
Jamboree in De lhi and
two firin gs at the
Benga l G irl G uid e
Ra lly, both in 1937.
The Boy Sco uts and
G irl G uides received
first ha nd experie nce in
tran sport ing messages
through th e air.

                               Two rocket firings 011 March 2, 1937 carried a total of l ,000 lady Olave Baden-Powell messages.

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  By, ff. No, 139. "Lord Baden-Powe14( i

 Rocket #139 ''lord Baden-Powe//'' was fired on Feb 3, 1937. and carried 71 covers and 90 cards. Cover mailedji-om the
jamboree to Calcutta, fa iled to receive the jamboree postmark Arrival postmark Park Street Calcutta 6 FEB. 37 (reverse).
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