Page 65 - Collection
P. 65

5.2 ... Scouting provides Education for Life: Scouts train and practise through learning by doing


                                                                                                                           In pioneerin g, when the
                                                                                                                           Scouts build structures,
                                                                                                                           bridges and shelters, they
                                                                                                                           find it both useful and
                                                                                                                           necessary to have good
                                                                                                                           knowl edge and skill s in
                                                                                                                           ty ing knots, bends, whips,
                                                                                                                           lashings and splices.

                                        left. First Die,,
                                        signed by the artist Jules Piel.

                                        During the preparations f or
                                        tlte stamp issue, th e postage
                                        rate was increased to 5 fr.

Doubl e carri ck bend
knot, the right kind of
knot to tie is one whi ch
can be trusted to hold
under strain, and whi ch
to undo eas ily if one
w is hes.

      Right: Colour proofofthe
     Second Die, the issued 5 fr.

            stamp (narrower "9"
                titan the third die) .

            I 8 proofs i11 dif erelll
           colours were re/easetl.
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