Page 64 - Collection
P. 64

5.1 The Patrol, Scouting's basic unit, allows older Scouts to take on responsibility, and ...

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                  Proof overpri11t i11 gold 0111111g11mmetf paper.
                   The regular overprint on this stamp is black.

Overprint shift.          S ix to eight Scouts fo rm a patro l. T he age of              Overprint shift.
                          th e Sco ut s is in th e ran ge o f I 1- 16 yea rs.

                          The main objective of the patrol system is to
                          g ive re sponsibility to as many Scouts as
                           poss ible. Throu g h th e patrol sys te m, th e
                          Scouts learn that they have considerabl e say in
                          what th e Sco ut tro o p and th e patrol s do.

                           Patro l lead ers are appo inted by th e Sco ut
                           leader in consultation with the patro l' s Sco uts.


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The Greek Philia postmark is without adjustable date ; hence the regular postmark is used /or obliterating 1he stamps.

   Patrol leaders' camps and " Philia" outdoor courses for patrol leaders are held occas iona ll y.
                              They are part of the Scout patrol leader training.
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