Page 63 - Collection
P. 63

5.1 The Patrol, Scouting's basic unit, allows older Scouts to take on responsibility

Normal stamp.                "/ + 25 " variety. Specimen overprint. from the Normal ove1print.      Inverted overprint.
                                                  Portuguese Colonial U P.U Archive.            200 stamps were printed.

Each Patro l in the Troop is named after an animal, a bird or a fl ower. Often, the Patro l's
name is chosen among anima ls we ll known in the di strict where the Troo p comes from.

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The four patrol s at the
very first Boy Scout
camp at Brownsea Island
were named " Wolves",
" Bull s", " Curl ews" and

Ri ght:
Common patrol names
are wi Id anim als, such as
"Camels", " Elephants",
" Lions" and " Reindeers" .
Domestic anima l names,
e.g. " Dogs", are se ldom
used .
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