Page 59 - Collection
P. 59

4.3 ... Air and Sea Scouts explore higher and wider horizons

                         ~llffO-.!mi:!:l-~·.lJ                        Leo 'tlrnuk .

                         "'/', · ·                                    Pees .

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         Postcard by Scout Air Mail from the Jambore at Godo/lo to Matyasfold ai field, and surface mail to ?ties. The
         green outgoing (Godo/lo-Budapest) scout air mail cachet was used only on the first day ofservice, I Aug 1933.

The Scout ai r ma il posta l serv ice operated between G6d6 116 and Matyasfo ld. From the Matyasfo ld
airfie ld, the mail s were forwarded by surface mail or regular air mail service to its ultimate destinations.

lmperforate plate proof  lmperforate plate proof

Hun garian Air Scouts participated when the Horthy
Miklos Nationa l Aviation Fund organi sed
elementary glider and motori sed plane tra ining in
July 1940 on the sport airfield near Ferihegy Manor.

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                                                                   deki es k1iltOld1 hn·elezesre, V< I rnmt nyom·     630 5. ],
                                                                   ,1felell'.i postabelyeg felragasztasa llett.

"AMOSTRA " overprint from the Portuguese Colonial U.P.U. Archive.  Cancelled at a Scout Air Display held at Szentes.

                         Displays a nd shows are among Air Scout activities.
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