Page 62 - Collection
P. 62

5 As a Scout you learn how to take care of yourself, to help and lead others
5.1 The Patrol, Scouting's basic unit, allows older Scouts to take on responsibility

Asoci aci6n de Scouts de El Salva do r       Franquicia Postal por
                                            Decreto No. 488 del 14

                                            de Diciembre de 1961.

                                            Pub li.cado en el D forio
                                            0/icia! No. 238 Tomo
                                            No . 193 de feclia 26 de

                                              Diciembre de 1961.


  The Aim of Scouting is to promote the deve lopment of young peop le in
  achiev ing their full phys ica l, inte ll ectual, soc ia l and spiritu al potential, ...

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... as individuals, as responsible ci tizens and as me mbers
 of their loca l, nati onal and inte rnati ona l communiti es.
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