Page 69 - Collection
P. 69

5.2 ... Scouting provides Education for Life: Scouts train and practise through learning by doing

(CENSOR'S STAMP )  7-F/918b~61-241s~~~~                   T. P. JE:NKI N S
         " CC>MPfl/'/ Y-t'JP0-33
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                                                                              (Sender's address)

                                                              ::'.>'TO C \<.TON ('z1 )CALI

                                                             APR\l- ZS, I q4.!:


Unprocessed original V-mail form. Postmarked (reverse) "Stockton, Ca/if APR 26, 1945 " Original V-mai/forms were supposed to
be destroyed upon receipt ofconfirmation ofsuccessful processing. Only two Scout related unprocessed V-mail forms are recorded.
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