Page 50 - Collection
P. 50

4.1 Scout Leaders at all levels work to supply a programme that ena bles Scouts to achieve their potential,
       and ...

                                 The World Organi sati on of the Scout Movement (WOS M) is the supra-
                                 nati onal organi sati on which gove rn s most nati onal Scout movements.
                                 The World Scout Bureau is the secretariat of the World Organi sation.

                                              DOS                                 IS EN TO

ESCOTEIROS DE PORTUGAL                                                                 DE

                           REGlflO DE f\NGOLf\                                  FRf\NQUlf\ :

         Instftut.;Ao EdacntiN>.-Execatora do f'\ctodo de R!\den Po~ ell          DECRETO
     Rcronhccido. Bent-mCrita c de Bcncrlc~ncla par Dccrcto n,o 31%0RB            r;,o 3120.. B
Condccorada corn a Cruz Vc rmcl ha de MCrito , por Portarltti do f'\ln istfrlo
     do Interior, filiadn no Boy St'outs lntcrnacionnl Bureau, Londrrs                    de
                                                                                1:> de rlnlo de
                        reconhccido pcla Socic<!adc das Na~Ocs


flt ..'l~t ur de " L' Eclnl rG1Jr "

Ln ~1nllo brsusa

                  Lnu s1uH1

                                     I --S -S--A-

 The fi'ee postage coverfi'om Portugal. 1932 mentions that the Scouts of
Portugal are affiliated to the Boy Scows International Bureau in London.

              T he Bureau was establi shed in London, England in 192 0.
    It moved to Ottawa, Canada in 1959, and to Geneva, Switzerl and in 1968.


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      e very mon th

                      T he magazin e " World Scouting" was issued
                           monthly by th e World Sco ut Burea u.
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55