Page 40 - Collection
P. 40

3.3 ... the community supports Scouting; Royal approval sets an example and governments follow their lead

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                                         Tile selling price for this 5 Satang postal card was 10 Satang.

                         The 1920 Siam " Scout's Fu nd" overprints rai sed the addit ional
                         funds necessary to supplement Royal patronage for the
                         establi shment of the Scouting programme in Siam (Thailand).

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The 15 Satang stamp was soldfor 20 Satang. The Siam Scouts' Fund stamps and postal cards are among the most commonly
forged issues within Scouting philately. Forge1y, the obliteration is inked in over the /5s stamp which has a forged overprint.

                                  The surcharge went to the Boy Scouts, litera lly
                                  the "T ige r C ubs" of th e " Wi ld Tiger Corp s''.
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