Page 32 - Collection
P. 32

3.1 The Law, Promise and Motto represent core Scouting Values


1080 Wien VIII                                                       Laudongasse 5


                   OPB A-1080 WIEN, LAUOONG.5                        I 15 0


The Scout Law has var ied over time, and var ies sli ghtly from one country to another, as does its number
of sect ions. Section I: " A Scout is to be tru sted''. Baden-Powell writes in Sco uting for Boys: " If a Sco ut
says "On my honour it is so", that mean s that it is so, just as ifhe had made a most solemn promi se." .

                                               Section 6:                            The tru stworthin ess of
                                               " A Scout is                          Boy Scouts and Girl
                                               kind to an im al s''.                 Guides is commonly
                                                                                     recogni sed, and has
                   lmpe1forate plate p roof                                          even become the
                                                                                     inspiration for name-
AA                                                                   AA              sa kes.

                        10 1                                                              ATINYMES!'\AGE
                                                                                           FORKING AND
                   Culler pair. before separation of dou ble sheet.
Progressive proof  lmperfora te p late proof                         Regular stamp.           CARRIED BY
                                                                                            A FEATHERED
A Scout shou ld save animals as far as poss ible from pain ,
        and shou ld not ki ll any an imal unnecessarily.                                         ME~SENGER.

                                                                                          What have youdoneP
                                                                                            We aredoingourbit.

                                                                                            GIVE YOUR

                                                                                           Ji'or thecause

                                                                                           or the right

                                                                                                  Carriod By
                                                                                              Homing Pigeon

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                                                                                        Pigeongram ("flimsy").
                                                                                     carried by a homing pigeon

                                                                                          named 'Girl Gu ide 1,
                                                                                                India. 19.JO
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