Page 76 - Collection
P. 76

6 The annual Summer Camp provides adventure and fun in a positive environment
6.1 Careful preparation and robust equipment is a r ecipe for a good camp

                                                             1~ 1 I 9

tapital lei 100.000.000  A APiRUT:            Gustav Zikely,Librar

     B ucuretti I.       DlCTlONARUL                                     Bistri~a
                         ENCICLOP EDlC
B-dal R1g1!1 £111! I, l  ILUSTRAT                        =========:::===
    LI BRA RI E                   DE
                         1.-A. CANDREA
  PAPETARlE              G. ADAMESCU
DE SPO RT ETC.              2000 Pagini
                             7000 lluotra\ii
                              120 Hir\i
BRAfQU, CHl"lliU               83 Tabele
CLUJ 11 TllllllCIAIA            23 Plan1e
                               500 Locu\iuni

6 lei postage stamps on insufficiently pre-paid domestic letter, correct postage was 8 lei between 20 and 40 grammes
from I Jan 1932 to I Aug 1937. Manuscript "4 lei" for twice the missing postage, and 4 lei postage due paid. Jn addition
I leu compulsory tax for the benefit of the National aviation company. The tax stamp has perfin "C. R." for the sender,
Cartea Romiineasca. The advertising meter slogan says that the company sells Sports articles and Scout equipment.

        The camps are among the highl ights of Scouting. The success of a camp depends on
        many factors, one of them being careful preparations, and acquiring suitable equipment.

Supplies of scout eq uipment can be purchased from scout shops.
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