Page 81 - Collection
P. 81

6.2 . .. camping is the joyous part of a Scout's life, but you must know how to do it properly

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           Cover postmarked Exeter, Devon, U.K. 12 NOV 1930, and sent to Bangkok. Siam. Hand cancel ? DEC 1930, and
           machine slogan 6 DEC 1930 used as arrival postmarks. The machine slogan text translates to "Scout Jamboree
            I January ". This is the first machine slogan cancel used in Siam (Thailand), on the first cancelling machine intro-
           duced at the Bangkok G.P.O. in early 1928. Reported dates ofthis machine slogan cancel are 1-24 December, 1930.

                                                                        Ca mpin g a nd outdoo r li fe a re ce ntral
                                                                        parts of Sco utin g, and the nature is the
                                                                        favo urite pl ace fo r Sco ut act iv iti es.
                                                                        The Siamese National Boy Scout Jamboree
                                                                        took place near Bangkok in January, 193 1.

                                                                                     Handstamp with text "National Boy Scout Jamboree
                                                                                    - B.E 2473". The Thai year B.E. 2473 corresponds
                                                                                     to I April 1930 to 31March1931, therefore this this
                                                                                     handstamp originates from the camp that was
                                                                                     advertised by the slogan above. Only one oth er
                                                                                     similar item is recorded with this handstamp.

                          Be rgholz
Rzcczka - Rivu let - FIUllchen - La riv iCrette

Edite ur: A . j. Ost rowski  1 37~  Camp life is respect fo r
                                    nature, the economical
                                    use of its resources and
                                    an aptitude to li ve in
                                    harmony with the
                                    env iro nm e nt .

                                    The 3rd Latvian National
                                    Boy Scout jamboree took
                                    place in Asari, July 1934.

                                    Machine cancel with
                                    advertising slogan promoting
                                    the National Scout Jamboree.
                                    at Asari. It is recorded from
                                    20 June to end ofJuly, 1934.
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