Page 83 - Collection
P. 83

6.2 ... camping is the joyous part of a Scout's life, but you must know how to do it properly

Scouting in India became quickly very popular, and by
1927 there were more than l 00,000 Boy Scouts in India.

 25~ANNIVERSARY          - - - - u . S .POSTAGE
      1910 - l!:l35      _ _ _.. PA103c1s
                         _ _ _.. PERMIT 482

       WASHING TON,0.C.

 AUGUST 21·30.1935

Mr . L. H. Phelps
62 Hanson Place

!lrooklyn, N• Y.

The Boy Scouts of America planned their first National Boy Scout Jamboree to be
held in I935 in Washington D.C. The Jamboree was postponed by order of President
Franklin D. Roosevelt, due to the prevalence of Polio in the Washington area.
Eventually, the Jamboree was held two years later with 27,232 participating Scouts.
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