Page 87 - Collection
P. 87

6.2 ... camping is the joyous part of a Scout's life, but you must know how to do it properly

                                                             Every Scout mu st kn ow how
                                                             to cook hi s own food, and to
                                                             make bread for him se lf
                                                             witho ut regul ar utensil s.

                     Specimen overprint,                                   Ordincn y stamp.
                     from the Portug uese
                     Colonial U. P. U. Archive.

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Hav ing prepared a firepl ace fo r cooking, th e Boy Scout attempts makin g
fire witho ut matches, while the Sco utmaster li ghts hi s pipe fro m a lighter'

Ordinary overprint.              Inverted overprint.                       Overprint shifted.
                     011e sheet of50 stamps was printed.

Food can be cooked over an open fire, the pot hanging from a ri g of green poles, or placed on bri cks or stones.
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