Page 92 - Collection
P. 92

7.2 ... in difficult times Scouts have delivered the mail often at danger to themselves

On some occasions, specia l Scout posta l servi ces have been in operati on. The need for such
services can be caused by certain politica l or mil itary situations, when the normal postal
authorities are unable to operate, or it can be a supp lement to the official postal services.

                                                                                         - olive brown.

First printing, yellow gum.  Second printing , white g um.                               Ultramarine shade.



Double perf's (left). Partial offset on reverse. Incomplete inking. Uniss11ed revolutionary opt. Printed on paper fold. Offse t on reverse.

              The Czechoslovak Sea Scouts provided a Mail Deli very Service 7-25 November, 19 18 in Prague
             for the National Committee of Liberation, whi le their country was hav ing a new birth of freedom.
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