Page 97 - Collection
P. 97

7.2 ... in difficult times Scouts have delivered the mail often at danger to themselves

lmperf o rated                     Proofofstamp f or the        Unissued.      Issued by the Polish Exile
plate proof                         Home Army (A .K.).    2,250 were printed.   Government in London.

Over 300 Scouts and Guides served in the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. Several of them were killed in action.



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                                                                                                    The imperial eagle with

                                                                                                    swastika, in the top right

                                                                                                    corner of the card, was

                                                                                                    the symbol of the

                                                                                                    German  occupying


                                                                                                    It was torn offbefore the

                                                                                                    card was used during the

IX.40.                                                                                              Warsaw uprising.

        Scout Post cancel "HARCERSKA POCZTA POLOWA 44"fro m the City Centre South p ost office,
 Scout censorship "CENZURA HARCERSKA". Approx. 5 postal items are recorded with the "44" postmark.

         ,1,gNZUROWA1lt M 8/.                                  After sixty-three days of bitter fighting, the
                                                               insurrection was crushed by the German
£~~ ~ ~                                                        occupation force, and on 3 October 1944,
                                                               Warsaw fell for the second time. When it
                                                               was over, 200,000 people were dead, and
                                                               the entire city was in ruins.

~k--sz 9~~~6. :                                           (e)

~fq 60' ff'.-:                                            Warsaw 1944 Home Army Field Post, letter with definitive
                                                          stamp (issued 4 September) of th e Home Army (A. K.),
                                                          carried by scouts. The censor marking "CENZUROWANE

                                   1 0 " ·:.',.·          No. 18" was used in the City Centre South censor office.

                                   '~ 13, 750 stamps were printed, in 5 colours, of these were

~---------------------------~ approximately 8,000 damaged by fire on 2 to 4 Sept. 1944.
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