Page 102 - Collection
P. 102

8 Strengthening of global friendship and couting brotherhood
8.1 International Camps promote unde tan ding of the larger world

                                                                                                                                    Plate proof

                   Austra lia and e" Zea1ana ha\e hosted se eral Pan-Pac1t1c cout Jambo ree s.

lmpeiforate proof. mounted on thin cardboard
by the prillter.
One sheet of 160 stamps was printed, lltlll this
approval date block is unique.

lmpe1forate proof. on card from the printer's     IlHADBUHY."'": &· CO MPANY , LTO .
archives. annotated 'Proof "B" approved.
1616158'. Also inscribed '"A' removed & put                                  :i..· t~vi..fA.LoEx . Sun .-u::v.
with waste & overs ofproving as NOT APPD".                                            Esc.a.A.."'D -
No copies of proof 'A' are reported to have
survived Issue date was 5 Jan. 1959. Unique.

Internati onal Boy Scout and G irl Gui de camps are frequent ly he ld. T hey may be organised for a continent or for a
 nu mber of countries. The Sco uts gather together and experi ence the true Internationa l Brotherhood of Scouting.
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